Friday, January 4, 2013

January 2013

Below are the Youth Events for this January. If you are interested in receiveing updates via text, please text Mrs. Stephanie Clouatre Davis at 504-756-3068. Have a great New Year!
January 7: 9th Grade Confirmation 7 PM in Youth House
January 9: Adult Meeting/ Music Rehersal 7 PM in Youth House
January 10: Boxing Groceries for Our Daily Bread 3:30 at Youth House
January 12: Pro-life Gathering at State Capital
January 13: PSR 10:30 AM in Youth House
January 13: Youth Mass 11:30 AM with lunch and service following
January 14: 10th Grade Confirmation 7 PM in Youth House
January 20: PSR 10:30 AM in Youth House
January 20: Youth Night 6PM in Youth House
February 3: PSR 10:30 in Youth House
February 3: Youth Night 6PM in Youth House
February 4: 9th Grade Confirmation in Youth House
February 6: Adult Meeting/ Music Rehersal 7 PM in Youth House

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Dates Updated!

November 12: 9th Grade Confirmation Meeting 7:00 at Youth House
November 14: Adult Team Meeting at 7:00 Saxon House
November 15: Parent Information Meeting for 9th and 10th Grade Confirmation
at 6:00 in Chapel
November 16: Junior High TGIF: Dodge ball 6:00-10:00 Holy Ghost School Gym
November 17: Servitude in Hammond
November 25: 11:30 Youth Mass followed by lunch and visiting nursing homes
November 25: Dodge Ball at 7:00 at Holy Ghost School Gym
November 26: 10th Grade Confirmation Meeting 7:00 at Youth House

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Confirmation 2012

Confirmation 2012
11th Graders Confirmation Candidates
The Retreat will be held this Sunday, October 21 from 9-4 for Candidates and 11:30 for Sponsors.
We will attend 11:30 Mass.
The Sacrament is this Monday October 22. Candidates need to be present at 6:30 sitting in the chapel. The Bishop will address the candidates individually then. Sponsors and parents are fine with being present at 6:45-6:50.
Punch, cake and pictures after Mass.
The Bishop will be available in the church. Get in line where Mrs. Stephanie and Erica are standing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Junior High Lock-In

Join us this Friday Night for a Junior High Lock-In (grades 7 and 8) from 6-10 PM at the Holy Ghost Gym for fun, games, pizza and prayer. Parents please walk your children in and sign them in and fill out the release form. See everyone Friday Night!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Public Rosary

Join us for a Public Rosary

Met this Saturday, October 13, 2012
Three locations all meeting at 12, noon:
Holy Ghost Catholic Church,
at the corner of Club Deluxe Road and Veterans,
a group at the Old Swegmanns

Please Join Us!

October 8 Coming Events

October 8: 11th Grade 7:00 Confirmation Meeting at the Church
October 10: Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House
October 12: 7th and 8th TGIF Lock-In 6:00-10:00 at Holy Ghost School Gym
October 13: Public Rosary at 3 sites at 12 noon
October 14: PSR after 9:30 Mass (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
October 21: Confirmation Retreat 9:00AM-4:00PM at the Church Hall
October 22: Confirmation Sacrament 7:00 PM, all are invited
October 28: World Youth Day at Sacred Heart in Baton Rouge
November 4:  PSR after 9:30 Mass (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
November 4: Youth Night at 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House
November 6 or 8th: Confirmation Meeting for Parents of 9th and 10th Graders at 6:00 PM
November 7: Adult Core Meeting at 7:00 at Saxon Youth House
November 11: Rescheduled Family Day after 9:30 Mass
November 12: 9th Grade Confirmation Meeting
November 14: Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House

Monday, October 1, 2012

New Time for Youth Group Meetings!


New Time for Youth Group Meetings
Happy Fall! Slight change in calendar if you look closely. All Youth Group Meetings will begin at 7:00 and will not include a Mass. Please pass this to all of your friends and invite, invite, invite.  

You can view our Fall 2012 Calendar's, please go to the Holy Ghost Website at, our blogspot at, our Facebook group at Holy Ghost Catholic Church Parents that Pray, or our Facebook page Holy Ghost Youth Group to view the new calendars.
Coming Youth Events:
October 7: PSR after 9:30 Mass  (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
October 7: Youth Meeting at 7:00 (All 9th-12th Graders Invited)
October 10: Leadership Team Meeting, 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House
October 8: 11th Grade 7:00  Confirmation Meeting at the Church
October 12: 7th and 8th TGIF Lock-In 6:00-10:00 at Holy Ghost School Gym
October 14: PSR after 9:30 Mass  (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
October 21: Confirmation Retreat 9:00AM-4:00PM at the Church Hall
October 22: Confirmation Sacrament 7:00 PM, all are invited