Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Abbey Fest 2012

Last Call!!!
Let me know if you wanna join us for 
Abbey Youth Fest 2012
March 10 


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Calendar Update 23 February 2012

Good Afternoon Parents:

Here are some reminders and updates:

1. No Service Day on Friday! The person we were serving has asked us to reschedule.

2. PSR this Sunday: 10:45-12:30 @ the Youth House

3. Dodge Ball this Sunday: 6:00 @ Holy Ghost Gym

4. Make-Up Parent Confirmation Meetings: March 6 @12:30 and March 8@6:30 in the Church.

Thanks for all that you do!

Hope that you have begun a peace-filled Lent,


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday
come receive your ashes at Holy Ghost @
7:00, 12:15 and 6:00
Here is a short video explaining it all!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Attention 10th Grade Parents 

There will be Confirmation information meetings next week on Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15 and Thursday at 6:00 in the Chapel. If your child is in the 10th grade, and you would like for him or her to be Confirmed next year, please attend one of these meetings! They will last no longer than 30 minutes. Please contact me at sdavis@hgchurch.org if you need more information.