Sunday, April 15, 2012

Camp Joshua

Three of Holy Ghost Youth attended Camp Joshua this weekend. This pro-life camp inspired and enflamed their belief in the Pro-Life Movement. Please pray for Mary-Danse, Anna and Paige as they continue on their journey!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

October Baby

Last night we went to see October Baby with a couple youth. It was an unbelievable movie touching at the core of not only the Life Issue, but forgiveness as well. None of us left dry eyed. Take your family now to go and see this movie.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

He is Risen!
Holy Ghost Youth contributed greatly to the Triduum.
Here are youth carrying the Cross on Friday.  Youth who assisted with the Stations, Passion Sunday Readings, Holy Thursday Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Vigil Sunday Readings and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic. 

Spring-Summer Schedule

April 12          Easter: Service Day   8:30 AM       Saxon Youth House      (Open to High School Youth)
April 15         Rite of Enrollment       11:30 MASS at Holy Ghost Church
April 16          Confirmation Class #1  7:00 PM        Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)
April 11          Leadership 22              7:00 PM        Saxon Youth House              (Leadership 22 Team)
April 19          Diocesan Youth Board    6:00         Catholic Life Center, BR    (DYB Only)
April 19-22     STA Play (go see our Youth Group Perform)
April 22          Leadership 22  6:00 PM       Saxon Youth House         (Leadership 22 Team)
April 26-29     St. Paul's Play (go see members of the Youth Group Perform)

April 27-29     Holy Ghost Fair    All Weekend    Holy Ghost Grounds

April 30         Confirmation Class #2 7:00 PM      Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)

May 5             Leadership 22 End of the Year Party   Miller's Home (Leadership 22 Team)

May 7            Confirmation Class #3 7:00 PM       Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)

May 20           Dodge Ball                 6:00PM       Holy Ghost Gym                      (Open to All Youth)

Summer Events:
June 2-9           Catholic Leadership Institute   
                                St. Louis University       (Must Apply: Rising 10th-College Freshman)

June 25-29       Vacation Bible School                                   
                                Holy Ghost Church and Grounds

July 14-15        Diocese Youth Board Retreat  (Only Applies to DYB Members)

July 16-20        Notre Dame Vision               
                                South Bend Indiana                 (Must Apply: Rising 9th-12th)

July 24-28        Real World                  
                                New Roads, Louisiana             (Must Apply: Rising 9th-College)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Abbey Youth Fest


"Our hearts are restless until the rest in you." St. Augustine

Holy Ghost Youth had a really moving time at Abbey Youth Fest 2012! Indeed we were restless. Our hearts were moved. Pray for the young community of Holy Ghost. +