Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Dates Updated!

November 12: 9th Grade Confirmation Meeting 7:00 at Youth House
November 14: Adult Team Meeting at 7:00 Saxon House
November 15: Parent Information Meeting for 9th and 10th Grade Confirmation
at 6:00 in Chapel
November 16: Junior High TGIF: Dodge ball 6:00-10:00 Holy Ghost School Gym
November 17: Servitude in Hammond
November 25: 11:30 Youth Mass followed by lunch and visiting nursing homes
November 25: Dodge Ball at 7:00 at Holy Ghost School Gym
November 26: 10th Grade Confirmation Meeting 7:00 at Youth House

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Confirmation 2012

Confirmation 2012
11th Graders Confirmation Candidates
The Retreat will be held this Sunday, October 21 from 9-4 for Candidates and 11:30 for Sponsors.
We will attend 11:30 Mass.
The Sacrament is this Monday October 22. Candidates need to be present at 6:30 sitting in the chapel. The Bishop will address the candidates individually then. Sponsors and parents are fine with being present at 6:45-6:50.
Punch, cake and pictures after Mass.
The Bishop will be available in the church. Get in line where Mrs. Stephanie and Erica are standing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Junior High Lock-In

Join us this Friday Night for a Junior High Lock-In (grades 7 and 8) from 6-10 PM at the Holy Ghost Gym for fun, games, pizza and prayer. Parents please walk your children in and sign them in and fill out the release form. See everyone Friday Night!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Public Rosary

Join us for a Public Rosary

Met this Saturday, October 13, 2012
Three locations all meeting at 12, noon:
Holy Ghost Catholic Church,
at the corner of Club Deluxe Road and Veterans,
a group at the Old Swegmanns

Please Join Us!

October 8 Coming Events

October 8: 11th Grade 7:00 Confirmation Meeting at the Church
October 10: Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House
October 12: 7th and 8th TGIF Lock-In 6:00-10:00 at Holy Ghost School Gym
October 13: Public Rosary at 3 sites at 12 noon
October 14: PSR after 9:30 Mass (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
October 21: Confirmation Retreat 9:00AM-4:00PM at the Church Hall
October 22: Confirmation Sacrament 7:00 PM, all are invited
October 28: World Youth Day at Sacred Heart in Baton Rouge
November 4:  PSR after 9:30 Mass (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
November 4: Youth Night at 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House
November 6 or 8th: Confirmation Meeting for Parents of 9th and 10th Graders at 6:00 PM
November 7: Adult Core Meeting at 7:00 at Saxon Youth House
November 11: Rescheduled Family Day after 9:30 Mass
November 12: 9th Grade Confirmation Meeting
November 14: Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House

Monday, October 1, 2012

New Time for Youth Group Meetings!


New Time for Youth Group Meetings
Happy Fall! Slight change in calendar if you look closely. All Youth Group Meetings will begin at 7:00 and will not include a Mass. Please pass this to all of your friends and invite, invite, invite.  

You can view our Fall 2012 Calendar's, please go to the Holy Ghost Website at hgchurch.org, our blogspot at holyghostyouthgroup.blogspot.com, our Facebook group at Holy Ghost Catholic Church Parents that Pray, or our Facebook page Holy Ghost Youth Group to view the new calendars.
Coming Youth Events:
October 7: PSR after 9:30 Mass  (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
October 7: Youth Meeting at 7:00 (All 9th-12th Graders Invited)
October 10: Leadership Team Meeting, 7:00 at the Saxon Youth House
October 8: 11th Grade 7:00  Confirmation Meeting at the Church
October 12: 7th and 8th TGIF Lock-In 6:00-10:00 at Holy Ghost School Gym
October 14: PSR after 9:30 Mass  (All 6-8th Grade students not in Catholic School)
October 21: Confirmation Retreat 9:00AM-4:00PM at the Church Hall
October 22: Confirmation Sacrament 7:00 PM, all are invited

Monday, September 3, 2012

Service: Washington Parish, post-Isaac

If you poor yourself out for the poor and satisfy the desires of the afflicted, then your light shall rise out of the darkness.
Isaiah 58:10

Beautiful day today serving the people of Washington Parish.

More and more we learn that suffering equal Love, the Crucifix says it all.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


August 21, 2012

Last week at our Youth Night
we talked about Pope Benedict's theme for the year: FAITH.
In Hebrews 11:1 we read

Faith is the realization of what is hoped for
and evidenceof things not seen.

In the new release of HUNGER GAMES we here the "president" and "game maker" talking about hope:

Are you a person of hope? Or, are you allowing yourself to live defeated? Check you last 10 posts, tweets, instagrams...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Confirmation Fall 2012 Calendar 9th and 10th Grade

Fall 2012
Confirmation 9th Grade Dates
These events are mandatory for all students seeking the Sacrament
(those in Catholic Schools and those not in Catholic Schools)

November 12: 6:00-8:00pm
@ Holy Ghost Church
December 3: 6:00-8:00
@ Holy Ghost Church

Confirmation 10th Grade Dates
These events are mandatory for all students seeking the Sacrament
(those in Catholic Schools and those not in Catholic Schools)

November 19: 6:00-8:00pm
@ Holy Ghost Church
December 17: 6:00-8:00
@ Holy Ghost Church

Confirmation Fall 2012 Calendar 11th Grade

Fall 2012
Confirmation 11th Grade Dates
These events are mandatory for all students seeking the Sacrament
(those in Catholic Schools and those not in Catholic Schools)

August 13: 7:00-8:30pm @ Holy Ghost Church
August 27:  7:00-8:30 @ Holy Ghost Church
September 10:  7:00-8:30 @ Holy Ghost Church
October 8:  7:00-8:30 @ Holy Ghost Church
October 21: 11:30 Mass-4:00Retreat and Rehearsal with sponsors@ Holy Ghost Church
October 22: 7:00 Confirmation

PSR 2012 Fall Calendar 6th-8th

Parish School of Religion
(6th-8th Grade)
These events are for students who are not in Catholic Schools

September 9: 10:45-12:15
 @ Youth House
September 16: 10:45-12:15
@ Youth House
September 2: 10:45-12:15
@ Youth House
October 7: 10:45-12:15
@ Youth House
October 14: 10:45-12:15
@ Youth House
October 28: 10:45-12:15
@ Youth House
November 4: 10:45-12:15
@ Youth House

Youth Ministry Fall 2012 Calendar 5-8th

Fall 2012
Holy Ghost Youth Group

5th-6th Grade Dates
September 30: 10:30 am-Noon
 (Fun Day!)
@ Youth House
November 18: 10:30 am-Noon
(Fun Day!)
@ Youth House

Junior High Dates
(7th-8th Grade)

TGIF: September 7: 6:00-10:00pm
@ Youth House
TGIF: October 12: 6:00-10:00pm
@ Youth House
TGIF: November 16: 6:00 -10:00pm
 @ Youth House

Youth Ministry Fall 2012 Calendar 9-12th

Fall 2012
Youth Ministry Dates
(9th-12th Grade)
we will begin with Mass either at St. Albert’s or with a special Mass in the Chapel

August 12: 5:30 @ Youth House
August 26: 5:30 @ Youth House
September 9: 5:30 @ Youth House
September 16: 5:30 @ Youth House
September 23: 5:30 @ Youth House
September 30: 5:30 @ Youth House
October 7: 5:30 @ Youth House
October 14: 5:30 @ Youth House (FUN NIGHT)
November 4: 5:30 @ Youth House
November 18: 5:30 @ Youth House
November 25: 5:30 @ Youth House (FUN NIGHT)
December 2: 5:30 @ Youth House
December 9: 5:30 @ Youth House (Christmas Party)

Adult Fall 2012 Calendar

Fall 2012
Adult Team Meetings

August 11: 9:00-11:00am
@ Youth House

August 26: after 9:30 Mass
@ Youth House
(Child Protection Training)

September 5: 7:00PM
@ Youth House

October 3: 7:00PM
@ Youth House

November 7: 7:00PM
@ Youth House

December 5: 7:00PM
@Youth House

Leadership 22 Fall 2012 Calendar

 Fall 2012
Leadership 22 Meetings
Called and Chosen

these meetings are only for those invited to be on the Leadership Team

August 15: 7:00 @ Youth House

September 1-3@ Youth House
10:00 PM-9:00AM

September 12: 7:00 @ Youth House

October 10: 7:00 @ Youth House

November 14: 7:00 @ Youth House

Tacky Sweater Bowling
Christmas Party
December 12: 7:00 @ Youth House

December 27-28: @ Youth House

Monday, June 18, 2012

Scripture Nights


Scripture Nights

This summer Holy Ghost Youth are reading and praying regularly. Many of us as young people (and as "old people") only pray when our hearts and minds are in distress or in great celebration. We don't though have a consistant relationship with Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. I described it as having a relationship with someone very important like our parents (or our child) or even our best friend only when we are scared or thankful, but never really having a conversations with that person in the "inbetween" times. When we live our lives like this, we forget how to be in relationship. God does speak to us in scripture. We, though, just don't take the time to listen. So, in an effort to build our realtionship with God, we as a youth community are learning how to pray regularly. If you know of someone rising to the 9th grade through young adulthood who would like to join us, please have them join us this Thursday at the Youth House at 7:00. If you can please email Ms. Stephanie at sdavis@hgchurch.org to let her know that you will be joining us so that she can be adequately prepared to welcome you.
this summer!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer 2012

Summer Calendar

Various service moments will be provided throughout. Just watch the blog.
May 20       Pro-life March      Holy Ghost Church         9:30
May 31        Youth House        Scripture Session #1      7-9
June 2-9     St. Louis            CLI
June13-16     Church Hall          St. Vincent de Paul Uniform Set-Up     TBA
June 14        Youth House       Scripture Session #2      7-9
June 16-21    Church Hall          St. Vincent de Paul Uniform Distribute  TBA
June 21        Youth House       Scripture Session #3  7-9
June 21/22   Church Hall         St. Vincent de Paul Uniform Break-Down TBA
June 25-29   Church Hall         Vacation Bible School     4-9PM
July 5          Youth House      Scripture Session #4    7-9
July 12         Youth House      Scripture Session #5    7-9
July 16-20      South Bend, IN   Notre Dame Vision
July 19         Youth House      Scripture Session #6     7-9
July 26        Youth House  Scripture Session #7       7-9
August 2     Youth House     Scripture Session #8   7-9
August 2-5  Youth House and sites   Real World: Poverty  9PM-11AM


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Join us for a Pro-Life March in Hammond on Sunday, May 20th after 9:30 Mass. I strongly encourage all of those preparing for Confirmation to join us. We will travel from Holy Ghost Catholic Church to the Knights of Columbus Hall. Please come. Let me know if you have any questions at sdavis@hgchurch.org.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Camp Joshua

Three of Holy Ghost Youth attended Camp Joshua this weekend. This pro-life camp inspired and enflamed their belief in the Pro-Life Movement. Please pray for Mary-Danse, Anna and Paige as they continue on their journey!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

October Baby

Last night we went to see October Baby with a couple youth. It was an unbelievable movie touching at the core of not only the Life Issue, but forgiveness as well. None of us left dry eyed. Take your family now to go and see this movie.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

He is Risen!
Holy Ghost Youth contributed greatly to the Triduum.
Here are youth carrying the Cross on Friday.  Youth who assisted with the Stations, Passion Sunday Readings, Holy Thursday Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Vigil Sunday Readings and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic. 

Spring-Summer Schedule

April 12          Easter: Service Day   8:30 AM       Saxon Youth House      (Open to High School Youth)
April 15         Rite of Enrollment       11:30 MASS at Holy Ghost Church
April 16          Confirmation Class #1  7:00 PM        Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)
April 11          Leadership 22              7:00 PM        Saxon Youth House              (Leadership 22 Team)
April 19          Diocesan Youth Board    6:00         Catholic Life Center, BR    (DYB Only)
April 19-22     STA Play (go see our Youth Group Perform)
April 22          Leadership 22  6:00 PM       Saxon Youth House         (Leadership 22 Team)
April 26-29     St. Paul's Play (go see members of the Youth Group Perform)

April 27-29     Holy Ghost Fair    All Weekend    Holy Ghost Grounds

April 30         Confirmation Class #2 7:00 PM      Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)

May 5             Leadership 22 End of the Year Party   Miller's Home (Leadership 22 Team)

May 7            Confirmation Class #3 7:00 PM       Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)

May 20           Dodge Ball                 6:00PM       Holy Ghost Gym                      (Open to All Youth)

Summer Events:
June 2-9           Catholic Leadership Institute   
                                St. Louis University       (Must Apply: Rising 10th-College Freshman)

June 25-29       Vacation Bible School                                   
                                Holy Ghost Church and Grounds

July 14-15        Diocese Youth Board Retreat  (Only Applies to DYB Members)

July 16-20        Notre Dame Vision               
                                South Bend Indiana                 (Must Apply: Rising 9th-12th)

July 24-28        Real World                  
                                New Roads, Louisiana             (Must Apply: Rising 9th-College)