Monday, June 18, 2012

Scripture Nights


Scripture Nights

This summer Holy Ghost Youth are reading and praying regularly. Many of us as young people (and as "old people") only pray when our hearts and minds are in distress or in great celebration. We don't though have a consistant relationship with Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. I described it as having a relationship with someone very important like our parents (or our child) or even our best friend only when we are scared or thankful, but never really having a conversations with that person in the "inbetween" times. When we live our lives like this, we forget how to be in relationship. God does speak to us in scripture. We, though, just don't take the time to listen. So, in an effort to build our realtionship with God, we as a youth community are learning how to pray regularly. If you know of someone rising to the 9th grade through young adulthood who would like to join us, please have them join us this Thursday at the Youth House at 7:00. If you can please email Ms. Stephanie at to let her know that you will be joining us so that she can be adequately prepared to welcome you.
this summer!

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