Monday, January 23, 2012

Spring 2012 Calendar

Holy Ghost Youth Group
Spring Calendar 2012

January 12      Diocesan Youth Board    6:00 PM      Catholic Life Center, BR    (DYB Members)

January 16      MLK: Service Day       8:30 AM     Saxon Youth House           (High School Youth Only)

January 18      Leadership 22                 7:00 PM      Saxon Youth House           (Leadership 22 Team)   
January 22      PSR[*]                           10:45 AM    Saxon Youth House

January 22      High School Meeting       6:00 PM      Saxon Youth House           (High School Youth Only)

January 29      PSR                               10:45 AM    Saxon Youth House

January 29      Service Opportunity        9:30-12:30   Church Hall: Break down/set up for 100 Year and First Reconciliation Retreat

January 29      Dodge Ball                     6:00PM       Holy Ghost School Gym      (Open to All Youth)

February 5      PSR                              10:45AM     Saxon Youth House  
February 5     No Meeting-- Super Bowl!!!

February 7      Confirmation Parent Mtg[†] 12:15 PM     Chapel                               (Parents of 10th Graders)

February 8      Leadership 22                7:00 PM      Saxon Youth House            (Leadership 22 Team)

February 9      Confirmation Parent Mtg      12:15 or 6 PM Chapel                            (Parents of 10th Graders)

February 12    PSR                              10:45 AM     Saxon Youth House    
February 12    Junior High Meeting       6:00 PM       Saxon Youth House         (Junior High School Youth)

January 12      Diocesan Youth Board   6:00 PM      Catholic Life Center, BR       (DYB Members) 
February 24    Lent: Service Day       8:30 AM      Saxon Youth House             (High School Youth)    CANCELLED!!!

February 26    PSR                              10:45 AM    Saxon Youth House 

February 26    Dodge Ball                    6:00 PM       Holy Ghost School Gym       (Open to All Youth)

March 4          PSR                              10:45 AM    Saxon Youth House

March 6          Parent Confirmation Mtg 12:30 PM    Church (make-up meeting)

March 7          Leadership 22               7:00 PM       Saxon Youth House              (Leadership 22 Team) 

March 8         Parent Confirmation Mtg 6:30 PM    Church (make-up meeting)
March 10        Abbey Youth Fest       8:00 AM      St. Joseph’s Abbey, Covington (Open to All Youth)
March 11       Family Day               9:30AM     Holy Ghost Catholic Church   (Open to All Youth, Adults and Children) 

March 15       Diocesan Youth Board   6:00 PM      Catholic Life Center, BR        (DYB Members Only)
March 24       Regional Rally            9:00 AM       St. Thomas Aquinas              (Open to All Youth)
April 12          Easter: Service Day   8:30 AM       Saxon Youth House      (Open to High School Youth)
April 15         Rite of Enrollment       11:30 MASS at Holy Ghost Church
April 16          Confirmation Class #1  7:00 PM        Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)
April 11          Leadership 22              7:00 PM        Saxon Youth House              (Leadership 22 Team)
April 19          Diocesan Youth Board    6:00         Catholic Life Center, BR    (DYB Only)
April 19-22     STA Play (go see our Youth Group Perform)
April 22          Leadership 22  6:00 PM       Saxon Youth House         (Leadership 22 Team)
April 26-29     St. Paul's Play (go see members of the Youth Group Perform)

April 27-29     Holy Ghost Fair    All Weekend    Holy Ghost Grounds

April 30         Confirmation Class #2 7:00 PM      Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)

May 5             Leadership 22 End of the Year Party   Miller's Home (Leadership 22 Team)

May 7            Confirmation Class #3 7:00 PM       Holy Ghost Church       (10th Grade)

May 20           Dodge Ball                 6:00PM       Holy Ghost Gym                      (Open to All Youth)

Summer Events:
June 2-9           Catholic Leadership Institute   
                                St. Louis University       (Must Apply: Rising 10th-College Freshman)

June 25-29       Vacation Bible School                                   
                                Holy Ghost Church and Grounds

July 14-15        Diocese Youth Board Retreat  (Only Applies to DYB Members)

July 16-20        Notre Dame Vision               
                                South Bend Indiana                 (Must Apply: Rising 9th-12th)

July 24-28        Real World                  
                                New Roads, Louisiana             (Must Apply: Rising 9th-College)

[*] All PSR formation periods apply to students enrolled in the Parish School of Religion (those who do not receive formation at a Catholic School) in grades 6th-12th. This formation is required and foundational for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
[†] There are 3 options for this meeting: parents need attend only 1 of the 3 meetings.

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